New: aMember Partner Notification Plugin

Last month, a client who is contemplating using aMember, asked if a partner could receive email notifications for each sale and cancellation. You might think this is a crazy request for a membership site.

Screen shot of plugin

Well, they weren’t using aMember as a regular membership site. It was for a service related product that thrives on higher dollar sales and less customer turnover. So the volume of emails would be manageable. From a technical point of view, email notifications can be very useful too because it could pass data on to third party scripts.

I did some checking and in the end decided to code an aMember plugin for the client. Unfortunately, the client has informed me they may not be using that anymore so I have a plugin sitting on my hard drive and that’s no good.

So, I decided to give to our TechBasedTraining Pro members so they could use it for their clients too if the request ever comes up. If you’re a Pro member, just log in to your account. It will be under the Pro Resources, Download link. And if you aren’t a member… why do learn more about it.

Screen shot of TechBasedTraining Pro Menu

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