IFTTT… Little Bits of Automation Equals Awesome!

Photo credit: Warm 'n Fuzzy via Flickr

You know I believe in automation. Here’s another thing about automation I believe in.

Small increments matter.

That is why I use tools like RoboForm, auto typing software and tons of filters in Google Apps (Gmail). Now, I have another tool to add to my arsenal. ifttt.

No, it’s not a typo. ifttt stands for “If This, Then That”. This little bit of logic is the basis of many software including plugins, themes, content management systems, your operating system and if you look clearly – in our everyday lives.

How many times have you said things like, “If it rains then I’ll go later” or “If it is within our budget then we’ll do it”. Well, ifttt works on the same principle except it ties together many of the popular tools you find on the Internet. Here are some ways to use it.

Usage #1

Let’s say you get alerts when someone mentions your name and you normally tweet or post to Facebook to promote these kind people’s content as a thank you for mentioning you. Using IFFT, you can automate it several ways. You can tell ifttt to automatically tweet or post the alert to Facebook. Or you can forward the email to ifttt (once you checked it out) and ifttt will automatically post and tweet it. The 2nd option while not fully automatic still shaves off a couple of steps.

Usage #2

You change your social network profile pictures often and you’re tired of having to log in to different networks. You can let ifttt do the work for you. ifttt can monitor your Facebook profile for changes and change it in Twitter when there is an update.

Usage #3

You star articles in Google Reader regularly these are things you’d like to keep. But what you’d really like to do, is save them to Evernote. ifttt can take your starred articles and dump them in Evernote. Brilliant!

Usage #4

Monitoring Craigslist for something? ifttt can notify you when it finds new posts matching your search criteria.

Usage #5

You marked your webinar date in Google Calendar so you won’t forget it. You’d naturally like to share your call details with social networks as well. ifttt can help do it for you.

I think you get the idea how this works now. I mentioned a lot of social media stuff that’s because I often find updating social networks tedious and I truly subscribe to the thinking of making an action pull double duty (or more) but this can be really helpful in your daily life too like reminding that forgetful spouse 🙂 or child about events. ifttt can call, text or email so they get reminders in the mode best to reach them.

You can even string several tasks together to start a chain of automation. Best of all, ifttt makes it super easy to set up. Try it. It’s 100% free.

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  1. iamraincrystal on March 31, 2012 at 5:21 am

    Thank you for sharing this, Lynette! I get to learn really useful stuff from reading your posts. ^_^

    • lynettechandler on April 4, 2012 at 8:27 pm

       @iamraincrystal Rain, it does my heard good to hear all that. More importantly, knowing the information is something you can use.