WordPress Mobile Edition

TechBasedMarketing on the iPhoneWell, I’m revisiting the topic of making a WordPress site mobile friendly. The last few times I blogged about this, I pointed to a few plugins. Well, somehow they didn’t work as intended. The site displays in a mobile friendly format, but comments do not work and many had crazy .mobi ads on them. These forced me to go non-mobile. That was OK until I changed my theme which absolutely breaks on a phone. So last week, I installed WordPress Mobile Edition from Crowd Favorite.

This is a fairly new plugin old plugin but recently updated and as far as I can tell, it works nicely. I like that it has its own themes you can even build themes for it but on the other hand, there is some learning curve to the mobile themes. You can check out how the plugin looks like on this site from the screen shot in this post. Click on the screen shot for a larger image. It opens in a new window.

Pretty nice looking huh? For now this plugin is a keeper. Now I just have to fiddle with the theme.

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