Why You Shouldn’t Let Product Launches Tick You Off

If you practice Internet Marketing, there’s a good chance you’re on the list of one or more of the big names. Over the last week, your inbox has probably been flooded by emails promoting List Control. Believe me, I understand how annoying all these messages can be. Thank God for inbox filters.

As for me, I love them because I get to play detective 🙂 Internet Marketing forensics if you will. In this particular launch, I discovered what systems power the video and video players and the smart ways that simple, old Javascripts made the order process looked so super cool yet achieved the very important step of protecting the merchant by forcing users to agree to terms and conditions before ordering.

These are just a few things. The whole process and emails sent out are each worth of study. Yes, I do realize you won’t understand the full impact of what’s happening just by observation but observation has paid of well for me in all areas of life. Also, it is not my intention to copy their processes blindly. Merely to see what underlying technologies these guys use.

If you want to emulate the accept terms before the order button becomes active, here is the code.

Put this in your headers (between <head> and </head>), change out the Yahoo URL to your order URL

Put this checkbox next to your terms and agreements

Put this where you want the order button to be

Of course, anyone who is web savvy can just override this and jump straight to the checkout page by viewing source, but the implication of having it there is important. Whether they actually click the button or not, the company has done its best to ensure people read and understand the terms. By ordering the product, the implication is, the customer has agreed to the terms. This is just my point of view as a developer. Not legal advise. Please check with your attorney.

Do you observe these launches with an open mind? What have you learned from them?

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Terms and Conditions checkbox is required.
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  1. Lynette Chandler on March 16, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Hey there, most welcome. Glad you dropped by.

  2. PLRHealthWizard on March 16, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    Thanks Lynette! I am not the most tech-savvy person and LOVE how you share these resources – Have a great week!

  3. Lynette Chandler on March 16, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    Hey there, most welcome. Glad you dropped by.

  4. harvi on March 16, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    do u know how to do a redirect in the wordpress mu ( subdomain feature is active on my blog http://www.webloz.org) i mean i want to redirect a particular url to the joomla CMS installed in the subdirectory.

  5. harvi on March 17, 2010 at 1:19 am

    do u know how to do a redirect in the wordpress mu ( subdomain feature is active on my blog http://www.webloz.org) i mean i want to redirect a particular url to the joomla CMS installed in the subdirectory.

  6. Ronnie Nijmeh on March 18, 2010 at 11:10 am

    Great stuff Lynette! Thanks for sharing!

    You mentioned you know what powers the videos and the video players – do you mind sharing your findings?


  7. Lynette Chandler on March 18, 2010 at 6:18 pm

    I assume you have access to the host? I expect a regular redirect
    using the .htaccess method should still work. To redirect using
    .htaccess, drop this inside the .htaccess file in your /public_html or
    /www folder.

    Redirect 301 /oldirectory http://www.example.com/newdirectory

  8. Lynette Chandler on March 18, 2010 at 6:26 pm

    Hi Ronnie,

    Yes sure. They are using a service called Kajabi.com Right now if you
    go to the site there's just a signup page. I suspected it was one of
    the gurus creating a new service and sure enough my suspicions were
    confirmed on List Control's launch day because Andy Jenkins told his
    list about this new thing he's working on. I am not entirely sure what
    the service includes though – didn't read the email entirely. But I do
    know there is some video protection involved and they are using

  9. Linda K Koelbel on March 19, 2010 at 8:45 am

    Great info and usable advice… tips and tricks like this are priceless to web masters… thanx!

    And yes, thank God for those email filters and delete buttons!

  10. Lynette Chandler on March 19, 2010 at 9:35 am

    Thanks Linda I am glad you find the code snippets helpful.

  11. Anita DeFrank on March 19, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    And here I thought I was the only one!

    Although, I do things a bit differently. I'm not looking at the techy stuff (cause I wouldn't understand it all if I did). But I always looking at the launch itself. What made their launch grab my attention? What sort of promotions did the run? What did the email subject lines say? Who did they get to JV on the launch? etc. etc. etc.

    I've got a ton of launch emails sitting in my swipe file! I've been gathering this type of information literally for years … and as a matter of fact, I'm currently in the process of putting together one of the biggest launches I've personally ever done (for a new website). I've taken everything I've learned over the years by yes … observing … and am putting them to what I hope to be very good use!

    Glad to see I'm not the only observer!

  12. Lynette Chandler on March 19, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    Hey Anita, long time. I have a huge swipe file too that currently runs
    into thousands of emails Everytime I get stuck with an email there's
    where I head to to help me. I have also noticed things like what
    promos, the sequence, content and format but have not yet tracked who
    they used. I bet if we set down to compile all that it would be a
    heckuva database… you kinda gave me an idea there 😉


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  13. Anita DeFrank on March 19, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    And here I thought I was the only one!

    Although, I do things a bit differently. I'm not looking at the techy stuff (cause I wouldn't understand it all if I did). But I always looking at the launch itself. What made their launch grab my attention? What sort of promotions did the run? What did the email subject lines say? Who did they get to JV on the launch? etc. etc. etc.

    I've got a ton of launch emails sitting in my swipe file! I've been gathering this type of information literally for years … and as a matter of fact, I'm currently in the process of putting together one of the biggest launches I've personally ever done (for a new website). I've taken everything I've learned over the years by yes … observing … and am putting them to what I hope to be very good use!

    Glad to see I'm not the only observer!

  14. Lynette Chandler on March 19, 2010 at 8:18 pm

    Hey Anita, long time. I have a huge swipe file too that currently runs
    into thousands of emails Everytime I get stuck with an email there's
    where I head to to help me. I have also noticed things like what
    promos, the sequence, content and format but have not yet tracked who
    they used. I bet if we set down to compile all that it would be a
    heckuva database… you kinda gave me an idea there 😉


    Twitter => http://twitter.techbasedmarketing.com
    Facebook => http://facebook.techbasedmarketing.com