Why Paying Well And Charging Your Worth Is Rewarding

Four hours of solid work a day may not seem like a lot to some people. For me that is actually on the high end of productivity. I suspect that is the same of many home based entrepreneurs – especially those with a family.

Photo Credit
Kathryn McCallum

For the past two to three weeks, I have been spending 95% of my work time on only one clients’ project. Mostly because we are on a deadline that is fast approaching. The good part is, unlike before, I don’t mind it at all. I love it and relish the idea of helping them create a fantastic new product. So what’s different?

Because I asked for a good rate and they pay me that rate. 

The net effect is, I gladly devote my time because I feel I am fairly compensated and of course to sweeten things, the client is fabulous to work with. That’s why I’ve been kinda quiet on the blog lately.

While thinking through this post, my thoughts wandered to my client. One of the first things in my head is “Oh, they’ll be getting a big bill”. Then, a small voice told me…

“No, they are getting your undivided attention. That is worth a lot more than a big bill.” 

Wow. Is that an eye opener for you? No? It is for me. Let me explain.

Many of us solo entrepreneurs can ill afford a full time employee. Some of us do but many don’t, relying on contract staff. The problem with contract staff is, you share their time with someone else, often, have to wait till they can slot you in.

However, if you pay that one good person well, give them decent number of hours, they won’t have to take in as many clients to feed their family. The net result, they have more time for you. When they have more time for you, that also means they can focus better, deliver a higher quality of work and finally, are more than willing to put you on top priority over others. Almost like having your own full time employee. Sounds rewarding for both parties to me.

Hmmm… guess I’ll be reviewing some people’s pay rate soon.

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  1. Sandy Naidu on May 7, 2008 at 7:12 pm

    When I started my freelance business 5 years ago, if there was a project I loved I would take it – even if the client was paying me only half of what I normally got paid…I consoled myself by saying that its okay…Money doesn’t matter…I soon realized that money does matter…You need to charge what you are worth…Only then will you put your heart and soul into the work…

  2. Lynette on May 8, 2008 at 6:48 pm

    @Sandy: I like how you said “Only then will you put heart and soul into the work” That is so true. Although we all strive to give good service no matter what, but truth is, quality of output can be affected when you take a job that you dread to do.