What Do You Build Them With?

You tell meInquiring minds would like to know… what do you build your sites with? Over the years I’ve used a lot of different things from the humble notepad to DreamWeaver. These days, almost all of the sites are built upon WordPress with a static ExpressionWeb page here and there, less than 5% of the site.

What about you? What are most of your websites built with? Spill the beans and feel free to elaborate in the comments.

WordPress all the way baby!

Desktop editor like FrontPage, Dreamweaver, XsitePro…

A Online Site Builder

Content Management System e.g. Joomla, Drupal, custom built systems

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  1. Jack Zenert on April 22, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    Hi Lynette,
    I build many sites for myself and my clients. For me – I prefer WordPress. It is so quick and easy, and so many themes available to customize.

    Clients still prefer custom built sites. But I think that will change.

    I do use Joomla for a few sites – bigger projects like community based websites where I want collaboration.

  2. Jack Zenert on April 22, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    Hi Lynette,
    I build many sites for myself and my clients. For me – I prefer WordPress. It is so quick and easy, and so many themes available to customize.

    Clients still prefer custom built sites. But I think that will change.

    I do use Joomla for a few sites – bigger projects like community based websites where I want collaboration.

  3. Myrna on April 22, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    WP with semiologic on 3 blogs. What is the gain in using WP without semiologic? I know you use both so Lynette-this question is for you.:)

  4. Myrna on April 22, 2008 at 2:10 pm

    WP with semiologic on 3 blogs. What is the gain in using WP without semiologic? I know you use both so Lynette-this question is for you.:)

  5. tom on April 23, 2008 at 7:44 am

    nothing of the above, but plain old handcoding with textpad. The above mentioned generate too much overhead or need a database which could be an additonal source for malfunctions.

  6. tom on April 23, 2008 at 3:44 am

    nothing of the above, but plain old handcoding with textpad. The above mentioned generate too much overhead or need a database which could be an additonal source for malfunctions.