Tired of Clicking and Clicking and Clicking


Love WordPress and all that but darn it, the admin takes a lot of clicking to get around. It has been that way for a long time so when they released 2.5 with all the major admin ‘improvements’, I thought they’d make it so there’s less clicking to get somewhere.

But nooooo… in fact there’s even more clicking especially in Widgets – my most major gripe. But I won’t go there.

Thankfully, I found the Lighter Menus plugin. This is exactly what I’ve wanted. Drop down menus so I can jump straight to the sub-menu items instantly. I can’t tell you how much time this saves. Especially working on themes and managing lots of content.

Hope you like it too.

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  1. cindymorus on September 24, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    Lynette, this plug in looks like it's been discontinued.

  2. Lynette Chandler on September 29, 2009 at 9:35 am

    Yes, this post is over a year old, before WP 2.7 which negates this plugin since the interface is much, much better.

  3. Lynette Chandler on September 29, 2009 at 1:35 pm

    Yes, this post is over a year old, before WP 2.7 which negates this plugin since the interface is much, much better.