Telephone Patented Today In 1876

I wonder how different our lives would be today without the humble telephone. Would we have the luxury of the Internet? Would I be able to work comfortably from home in my shorts (yes it’s it’s lovely here in the South 😉 )?

Probably, probably not. It is so difficult to say because other people were also working on a similar invention. We could be even further ahead, or not. But whatever it is, I am so thankful for the humble beginnings of telecommunication.

Talking about beginnings, are you afraid to step outside your comfort zone to begin a project? Despite having launched several different products and working with successful marketers on their projects, I still feel intimidated. But this little historical fact is a good reminder.

If you don’t start your project and put it out there, who knows how many lives would be changed (or not changed) because of that? I don’t think the men who sought to develop the telephone ever imagined what it would lead to. Woe be unto us if they hesitated to put their products out.

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  1. Tsoniki on March 8, 2008 at 9:33 pm

    I suppose this means get to work! I sat down to publish a few pages on a site that needs work – but instead am reading blogs. I guess I’ll go polish and publish! 🙂

  2. Lynette on March 11, 2008 at 8:13 am

    😀 haha Tsoniki you bet. Not only get to work but put it out there!