Sync Google Calendar With Your Phone

Google SyncOh I’m so glad this is now available. I practically jumped on it when I saw this. Before, there were third party solutions that did this, but honestly, I don’t relish the idea of paying a monthly fee for just one feature. If you remember, a few months back I talked about the basic building block of automation is to reduce the amount of data you have to re-input. Well, Google Calendar has worked for me but I also wanted my calendar on the phone.

Yes, I can open the browser on my phone to get to Google Calendar but that didn’t work to my liking. Besides, you can’t always get a connection to the Internet. The phone (all smart phones as a matter of fact) has a built in calendar system. Why can’t it just work with that?

Thankfully, Google added this feature lately and oh am I loving it. The only thing I don’t like is, the syncing has affected my battery talk time. No biggie, I just had to scale down how regularly this thing was syncing. You can sync both calendar and contacts for the iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Android. They support contact sync for other platforms too but don’t think those sync the calendar.

You gotta be very careful though and read the instructions carefully as it may replace all your current contacts!

*Google Sync Image courtesy of Google

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  1. Felicia - I Complete Me on March 4, 2009 at 3:06 pm

    I really wanted this too, but I have the Instinct by Sprint and I don’t believe I can do this. So sad 🙁

    • Lynette on March 4, 2009 at 10:39 pm

      That’s a shame. There is probably some work around using iCal have you tried Googling that?