Quest To Make WordPress Mobile An Update
For the last few days I’ve been talking about making my WordPress powered site (this one) mobile friendly. It started when two days ago, I decided to give the WordPress Mobile Edition plugin a 2nd chance since it’s updated. At that time, I made a quick note about theme-ing the mobile interface.
Well, it’s almost midnight here and I’m still trying to understand this theme. Ugh.
Maybe it’s too late and I’ve been fixing OPS (other people’s stuff) all day that I’m not seeing things right. But dang! The theme is like learning a brand new version of WordPress. Not what I expected or wanted. I’m close to switching plugins but got to admit this one works best so far and the mobile theme does look pretty sharp.
On anothet note, I finally fixed up my Tweetbacks so they look better and added Twitter avatars to the list of tweetbacks. I’ll blog how I did that next week.
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