Reading Protected Feeds With Google Reader

Maybe some day the Google Reader team will add the ability to read password protected feeds. This is something I’ve been waiting for a long time and still waiting. As a site owner, there are ways to get around this. We can talk about this in another post. But if you’re just a visitor or regular reader of a site, tough luck. Switch to a feed reader that can access protected feeds of deal with it.

Which is why, when I found FreeMyFeed, I was intrigued. Here’s how it works. You enter the feed, the logins and it’ll give you an alternate feed to subscribe to. Sounds good, but I’m still rather hesitant of entering usernames and passwords into a third party system. But I guess it depends what the feed is. They do say that the logins are not stored on their servers if you don’t mind.

I’d much rather have a script I can run on my own servers though 😉

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