My Computer’s On Fire. No Really

computer-burning-smAm I working too hard you think? My PC wasn’t far from being this. Ok, I relent it was no where near that but it would’ve been if my husband hadn’t acted fast enough.

I gotta say, this is the first time I’ve ever had a computer break out in flames in 10 years of computing but hey, there’s a first time for everything. I can still remember the time when a CD literally exploded in my CD-ROM. Now that’s scary – can you imagine tiny shards of very sharp debris flying at you at God knows how many miles per hour? *Shudder* these days I’m very very wary what I put in my CD or DVD drive.

Anyway, if ya wanna know, it wasn’t anything serious. It was an old but trusty computer, faithfully served me for 5 years now. The power supply shorted. Guess that’s her way of saying ‘cya baby’ I’ve been using it as a file server – to store my backups and store files where I want to access from both the laptop and the desktop. That way I don’t have to carry any USB drives or keep moving files from computer to computer.

Seems like the main hard drive is busted – which has nothing on it but the operating system. Still trying to find out if the storage drive is OK. That’s where the data is. But I’m not awfully worried at this point since some of the data has been uploaded to an off-site backup, some have been written to DVD’s. Just irritated at the interruption. But this is my excuse to upgrade my PC and retire it as a server heh heh.

The lesson? Goes to show disasters happen everywhere, every day in all kinds of ways – so have you backed up yet?

Photo credit: dknudsen

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  1. Doug Lietz on July 18, 2006 at 12:51 am

    We must be on the same wave length Lynette. My 5 year old 40 Gig HDD and my 2yr old 500W Power Supply just went south on me on Friday. I didn’t have any open flame activity, but I did get a wiff of what a power supply smells like when it goes poof.

    And yes… my data was all backed up! I use a an external 250Gig USB HDD that I absolutely love.

    BTW: Remember I was telling you about my disappearing System Tray Icons, a while back? Well… problem solved! A clean install of WinXP on a fresh hard drive does wonders for getting rid of those types of nagging OS issues.


  2. Lynette on July 18, 2006 at 8:18 am

    Our PC’s must be consipring. Sorry that happened to you too but glad you got all that on backup.

    Oh yea. I love a clean re-install – helps a lot.