Monetize Your Blog Without AdSense

I happened to stumble upon BlogKits by accident and was I delighted to see the familiar name of Jim Kukral, author of Blogs To Riches ebook. Anyway Jim has come up with a very good way to monetize your blog without using Adsense. Now why would one want to do that after all isn’t Adsense the most lucrative method of making money with ads? Maybe so but Adsense depends heavily on traffic. If you don’t have mega traffic, you don’t have mega Adsense clicks and therefore no mega Adsense checks.

BlogKits on the other hand match advertisers to blogs regardless of their size or traffic. But how good can a blog be if there’s little traffic? According to BlogKits,

“The BlogKits BlogMatchTM Network will allow all blogs, even those without high levels of visitor traffic, the no-cost opportunity to earn revenues in a multitude of ways by matching them with advertisers/marketers that care more about reaching the right target audience, not just necessarily the biggest one, and not necessarily through only traditional methods like banner ads.”

Visit BlogKits for more information.

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  1. cindymorus on September 14, 2009 at 12:54 am

    Lynn, do you know if BlogKits is still in business. Their domain name expired on 8/25/09.

  2. Lynette Chandler on September 14, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    Hey Cindy, I have no idea 🙁 this was written quite a long time ago. However, you might want to check out while it's not exactly the same thing but along the same lines – linking bloggers and businesses together to promote, help out with content, get the word out and all the good stuff that benefits both parties.

  3. Lynette Chandler on September 14, 2009 at 6:14 pm

    Hey Cindy, I have no idea 🙁 this was written quite a long time ago. However, you might want to check out while it's not exactly the same thing but along the same lines – linking bloggers and businesses together to promote, help out with content, get the word out and all the good stuff that benefits both parties.