How Do You Organize Your Computer Files?

Tech Enquirer wants to know, how do you organize your computer files? Do you have a system? Or do you just stash stuff in any corner you can find on your desktop?

For me, I order most things through one major folder like ‘Business’. Inside that folder, there are a bunch of sub folders named by website. I’ve tried organizing by task example, articles, videos, reports, websites but I got too confused so this is typically what my folders will look like.


I also have a master folder for Gurus. Within that, I have a sub-folder for each person I buy or download stuff from. Like this.

guru folder screen shot

Finally, there are my scripts and miscellaneous software programs. These all go into a master folder named Downloads. What does yours look like? You’re most welcome to post pictures.

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  1. Stephanie on October 18, 2007 at 4:00 pm

    I can tell you one thing, if your computer is not organized, you’re in for trouble when you go to switch computers – that’s what I’m doing this weekend! 🙁

    How I organize my files depends a lot on what files I access the most. For instance, I have all my online business files in one directory, and all my offline business files in another. However, when I am doing a lot of work for a particular client, I will move that client folder out and put it directly under MyDocuments for easy access.

    There used to be a tool called the WOPR Toolbar for Word – I loved it, and I’m not sure if they make it anymore for current versions of Word. It allowed you to edit the locations seen on the left side of the ‘open’ command. I miss it!

    Don’t know if that tells you quite how I organize, just that I’m flexible in my organization! Thanks Lynette!

  2. Stephanie on October 18, 2007 at 12:00 pm

    I can tell you one thing, if your computer is not organized, you’re in for trouble when you go to switch computers – that’s what I’m doing this weekend! 🙁

    How I organize my files depends a lot on what files I access the most. For instance, I have all my online business files in one directory, and all my offline business files in another. However, when I am doing a lot of work for a particular client, I will move that client folder out and put it directly under MyDocuments for easy access.

    There used to be a tool called the WOPR Toolbar for Word – I loved it, and I’m not sure if they make it anymore for current versions of Word. It allowed you to edit the locations seen on the left side of the ‘open’ command. I miss it!

    Don’t know if that tells you quite how I organize, just that I’m flexible in my organization! Thanks Lynette!

  3. Doug Lietz on October 18, 2007 at 4:17 pm

    Hi again Lynette (and Lynette’s friends)…

    For anyone who likes to organize and plan visually, mindmapping software may be the answer. My friend Sherman Hu of WordPress Tutorials did a nice multimedia review of four mindmap applications last week. You can watch it here:

    And if you are not interested in mindmapping, you might want to check out his presentation anyway…. just to see the cool web 2.0 technology he uses. Pretty cool stuff!


  4. Doug Lietz on October 18, 2007 at 12:17 pm

    Hi again Lynette (and Lynette’s friends)…

    For anyone who likes to organize and plan visually, mindmapping software may be the answer. My friend Sherman Hu of WordPress Tutorials did a nice multimedia review of four mindmap applications last week. You can watch it here:

    And if you are not interested in mindmapping, you might want to check out his presentation anyway…. just to see the cool web 2.0 technology he uses. Pretty cool stuff!


  5. Lynette on October 19, 2007 at 11:08 pm

    Hey Stephanie, I too just migrated to a new computer last week and still moving! Well, I have three computers and a lot of software. But you’re right if you don’t keep most of your stuff in one place it’s a scary thought to move.

    For me, everything is pretty much in the My Documents. I have other what I call master folders. But they are only a handful. So when I backup or move computers those are the major targets.

    Hello again Doug! I love mindmapping! I’ve been mindmapping since 14 years old. It’s amazing how often I come back to it.

    DimDim the conferencing solution he mentioned is also really cool. Had it installed on my servers once and it’s really impressive but I don’t have the bandwidth to support all that conferencing. I will be experimenting some other conferencing systems and you’ll probably hear about that soon.

  6. Lynette on October 19, 2007 at 7:08 pm

    Hey Stephanie, I too just migrated to a new computer last week and still moving! Well, I have three computers and a lot of software. But you’re right if you don’t keep most of your stuff in one place it’s a scary thought to move.

    For me, everything is pretty much in the My Documents. I have other what I call master folders. But they are only a handful. So when I backup or move computers those are the major targets.

    Hello again Doug! I love mindmapping! I’ve been mindmapping since 14 years old. It’s amazing how often I come back to it.

    DimDim the conferencing solution he mentioned is also really cool. Had it installed on my servers once and it’s really impressive but I don’t have the bandwidth to support all that conferencing. I will be experimenting some other conferencing systems and you’ll probably hear about that soon.

  7. Ken Chandler on October 20, 2007 at 10:34 pm
    Great idea as I just throw them in a pile in my PC corner

  8. Ken Chandler on October 20, 2007 at 6:34 pm
    Great idea as I just throw them in a pile in my PC corner

  9. Rhonda on October 21, 2007 at 9:24 pm

    I feel it is very important to organize your files. Over time when you accumulate so many files and downloads, it can be quite a task to find anything.

    If you create folders and consistently organize your files it should never take you more than 2 minutes to locate a file.

  10. Rhonda on October 21, 2007 at 5:24 pm

    I feel it is very important to organize your files. Over time when you accumulate so many files and downloads, it can be quite a task to find anything.

    If you create folders and consistently organize your files it should never take you more than 2 minutes to locate a file.