How Disaster Proof Is Your Hard Drive?

When there’s a flood or a fire, chances are good you’d lose your computer and the most precious thing in it – your hard drive with all your work. That is one reason why I’m a big proponent of a dual backup plan one on-site, like your external hard drives of DVD’s and another off-site like Mozy which means your data is actually backed up to a place that is outside of your office/home-office. That way if anything happens to your home or office you can always retrieve the set from Mozy.

ioSafe SoloI have a network attached drive to store all my backups but am always concious of the fact that backup is only good if my computer crashed. If a disaster strikes, I’ll lose the computer and the backups too. Even though I do have Mozy and have a way out, I like the thought of making the backups a little more disaster proof.

Which was why ioSafe Solo caught my attention. It claims to be water and fire proof and comes with a $1000 Data Recovery service plan. When there’s a fire, it closes the vent to (even without power) to seal in the internal circuitry to protect it. It is also designed to prevent salt and freshwater damages in cases of floods.

The 500GB drive starts at $149.99

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