Here’s To The End Of Unread Downloaded Reports

When you opt-in to get a free report, do you read it immediately? I’m really curious to know so please share in the comments below.

For me, the answer is no. I tend to grab it first and try to carve out time to read and give 100% attention to it later. Therein lies the problem. Later. Have you seen her? I hardly see her around at my place. The tragic end of the story is, piles and piles of downloaded reports in my hard drive, never opened. Some are even purchased! Uhuh, you can wag your finger at me.

Then I realized something. It’s not that I don’t read. I read a lot. Nightly, sometimes up to 3 hours using the Kindle app on iPad. I know you can send personal documents to a Kindle via email but somehow I never noticed this option for the iPad until we purchased 2 Kindles for the kids. So here I was emailing myself all those paid reports, exploring options on Cloud Drive and stuff but still…

What if the entire download process can be eliminated from the process?

How can I push the latest issue of Jimmy D. Brown’s Traffic Fuel directly to Kindle without it ever actively downloading it?

Enter the Kindle It extension for Chrome. After installation, all I do is click the link to the latest issue. This action opens the PDF in the browser. From there, hit the Kindle It button.

The extension will ask me where I want to send it to – these options can be set once and remembered so you never have to think about it again.

Minutes later, it is in the Kindle!

Unfortunately, not all products can be done this way. A lot of times the PDF’s are zipped you can’t do that. Which leads me to think… perhaps information product sellers can do little things like that to help people consume their product faster. Provide a way for people to push the document directly to Kindle right there on the download page. Maybe I’ll develop something like that. It can’t be that hard.

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