How To Publish Daily Without Ever Logging Into Your Blog

Do you know we have an app? It’s simple but works great, giving you one blogging idea a day. Check it out yourself it’s free.

Blank billboardHere’s a secret about that app. It pulls content from a WordPress site and while it publishes content every single day, I don’t ever log into it myself. All of this happens automatically… well sort of. It didn’t start that way but I created a system to make it so using a combination of outsourcing and technology. This is how.

Step 1

Though our daily blogging ideas are quick and easy, I knew I didn’t want to (nor could I afford to) spend time writing these myself. Good thing there are some super smart, quality writers out there. So I have a standing order with them. These are delivered like clockwork every month, already nicely wrapped up in the specific formatting and file type as I’ve instructed.

Step 2

A super smart manager looks through the content to make sure they are good and quality is kept. Then she uses Gulp, our mass content importer plugin to upload all 30 posts, schedule them down to the hour and puts them into the right category. All this is accomplished in a matter of minutes.


And that’s it. No step 3, no getting me involved… unless it is needed or something arises of course.

Now that you know about this “automated” workflow, think about what you do. How would you incorporate a similar workflow into your business?

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