For Every Cloud, There Is A Silver Lining
Short post today as I need to get back to work. Still a bunch of stuff I have yet to accomplish off my to do list. Last week’s thing about FTC changes which is still raging and encouraging talk has given me an idea. No, no, not to work around, get over or under it. Such things never work. Besides, my momma taught me you can never outrun the government especially when they have an eye on you.
This is nothing of the sort. I can’t speak of it yet lest my idea be hijacked but also because if I cannot do it, then I won’t disappoint you at least. But I’m writing not to focus on this idea of mine.
Thing is, as hard as it is to swallow this FTC pill, there is a silver lining somewhere. We may not realize it right away. So are you going to be up for the challenge or will you give it up and say to hell with it?
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