
I came accross several really cool tools this week and one of them is EasyPodcast. I took it for a spin and really like it. One of the most tedious things about podcasting is the uploading and creating of the podcast feed itself. Now there are many ways to do this. Some of us who are using FeedBurner or WordPress may not find this such a problem but to me, the fact that I have to upload and still make a blog entry about the podcast is a hassle. I mean, I’m lazy. I want things as easy and as close to one step as possible.

EasyPodcast, will create your feed, generate ID3 tags for your mp3 and upload to your servers. All you really need to do is record, select the mp3 you want to upload, hit create feed, upload and you’re done. I find that awfully cool and at the moment as good as it gets! Now… if it would only record audio and ping! I know, I know I’m asking for a mountain but I’m sure very soon some smart developer will pick up on it real soon.

So, where do you get EasyPodcast? Just head on over to EasyPodcast.com, it’s free to use, (GPL license) and windows only, but folks if you like it as much as I do, drop this guy a donation huh he’s done an awesome job.

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