Create Todos With Text Messages (SMS)

TextingI love this one. While discussing tools with a few members at MomMasterminds, one asked if anyone knew a todo web  app that would create tasks using text messages (SMS). Being a user of RememberTheMilk, I thought this would certainly be supported but it was not. However, I knew RTM has an email to task feature. They give you a private email address. Any emails sent to that private address will automatically be converted to a task. It didn’t immediately strike me but as I lay down sick Wednesday night (funny how ideas come to you) I thought, why not just text to that email address? I’ve done it before it should work.

Sure enough it did. So how do you create tasks in RememberTheMilk or just about any to do system you use that accepts tasks by email? Simple. When sending the text message, instead of entering a number, just enter an email address. Many cell phone service providers allow you to text to email although you’re still limited by the 160 characters. What I did was create a brand new contact for RTM in my contacts list to make it easier to text tasks to.

Also, most text messages when sent to email have no subject lines. For some carriers, you can change this per message but I’ve not found a way with my service provider (Alltel) yet. This is a problem because RTM uses the subject line as the task name. Thankfully, RTM has a provision for this. All I need to do is type t: task name in the text message. Full details how to format the email can be found here.

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