Blogger, WordPress and Digital Product Delivery

Help DeskHi Lynette, My husband and I are setting up a website that we wil be using for a variety of purposes, including affiliate marketing and selling our own information products. 

We’d like to set up a blog and I’m not sure what the difference is between using WordPress, and using a product like Blogger, because with Blogger you can still host it on your own url, and you have the Blogger community access as it were (I have used Blogger briefly in the past, but not WP). 

Another question we have is we know we need a mailing list, and a way to delivery our info products. I’ve taken a quick peek at your WAHMCart, would it integrate with an existing website, or is it the entire website? We have a start up at if you want to take a peek, it’s just a skeleton right now. 

We used to sell physical products through a mals-e cart, so we are familiar with that, and I’ll likely check out if they have a digital product delivery system. Thanks so much! – Jennifer Bogart 

A: Hey Jennifer,

Both Blogger and WordPress works. Blogger is nice because it’s so simple a kid can do it. It’s straight forward and gets the job done. Personally, one of the biggest reasons I choose WordPress (please note I am talking about the WordPress, not the hosted version – that is not as flexible) is because of the numerous plugins, a huge user and developer community.

BlogIt is also a highly customizable system. You can literally hire someone with just a little technical knowledge and mold it to something unique and works the way you want it to. Another point, you have full control over your blog. Blogger can sometimes go down and when they are down your
blog is kinda held hostage because you won’t be able to publish or update it.

Also, you have to adhere to their terms of use. Which is not a big thing but sometimes that can be a problem. For example, a few weeks ago a friend called me on Sunday morning frantic because her blog was suspended. Even her Gmail was suspended because they say she violated some kind of rule in Blogger. I think they suspected her blog for a splog (spam blog).

Here’s the thing. Her blog is nothing of the sort at all. It’s a good and honest one. She doesn’t even promote anything on it. What happened was the robot that scans Blogger blogs (even those self hosted) mistakenly identified it as spam. The robot is known to be wrong. It is a robot after all, but what agony for the blog owner. I feel this is stress we don’t need in our businesses.

Try WahmcartAs for Wahmcart, yes it can do digital delivery. Mailing lists with autoresponders come with it. You also have an affiliate module built in. That way, everything is in one spot. And it can easily be integrated into
any website – or blog for that matter. Just a matter of adding the buy buttons to your site. Do take advantage of the $1 trial. You get 14 days to test and play around with the system.

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