Help! My Code Is Showing On The Web Page
So you are told that if you want to do something (create a redirect or display a badge) all you need to do is copy and paste some code into a web page. You follow the instructions step by step and… it doesn’t work. All you see is the code you pasted onto the page. What gives?
99% of the time, it’s probably because the code was pasted into the WYSIWYG editor. That won’t work. If you are given HTML, you will always have to switch to HTML mode or source mode. If you paste it into the visual or WYSIWYG editor, you’ll always see code and any commands the code does like redirecting a page etc, won’t work.
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I’ve done this before. I did it more often when I was just starting to use WordPress and couldn’t figure it out right away. Now if I see that happen I know that I need to slow down! 🙂 Thanks.
Hey Tanya, slowing down is a good idea. We all need to sometimes.