Where Should You Host Your Infoproduct Files?

This may seem like an elementary issue for some but I know many, especially first time info product marketers tend to wonder and worry about bandwidth issues. Do you upload your product to your own web site or to Amazon S3 or another file hosting service.

DownloadingIf the product is only a simple PDF or a collection of documents, audios and PDF’s, I’d host it on my own site. As a matter of fact, I host almost all of my products on the web site itself. In the 4+ years I have marketed video info products, I have never had a problem with bandwidth. Although, if you anticipate huge sales you may have to start re-thinking this. However, for most startups that I know, bandwidth is not an issue.

Where it could be an issue is web space. If you have a small web hosting plan and are delivering a lot of large audios and videos, you could run out of space quickly. Documents and PDF space is negligible. Overall, the answer is take a look at your product. If it’s a simple product – chances are it is, then host it yourself. 99% of the time, you won’t have any issues.

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  1. Lill Hawkins on June 6, 2009 at 10:18 am

    I found your site searching on “hermit” for a keyword, but I’ll comment on this while I’m enjoying the rest of your writing.

    I like e-junkie and this is where I should put my affiliate url for it, but I don’t remember it and am happy to spread the word without getting paid for it.

    I don’t sell much – as a matter of fact, I’m taking a hiatus right now due to health problems. But when I do, I like the fact that they handle everything for me. I have almost no customer service problems.

    I have a good hosting setup and keep copies of my files there, but for actually downloading them to customers, it’s e-junkie all the way. They give a lot of service for $5 month.

    Shine On,

  2. Lill Hawkins on June 6, 2009 at 10:22 am

    Well, duh, I just noticed the e-junkie badge on the bottom of your site. I guess you already know.

    • Lynette on June 10, 2009 at 3:10 pm

      Hey there 🙂 that’s OK you never know who doesn’t know about it. I’m always amazed how many don’t know about e-Junkie.