Video Content Shift?

Right now, most of us consume video content online, on our computers. But, like audio, more and more people will demand their video content to go. I still remember very briefly touching on this oh maybe 1-2 years ago.

Then, portable video players were very expensive. Now? Shoot, you can buy a video/mp3 player for under $50. Then, I pondered about the popularity of screen videos to-go since these are such tiny screens, you can hardly see anything. Still do – but you know what?

People are weird – me including. Sometimes it’s not the clarity of video we want but rather the rough gist of it. Have you seen some of the video quality on places like YouTube? You know then it’s not great. This leads me to conclude, sometimes, it’s not the quality of video but what people get out of it.

Well, am one of those people. As a long time subscriber of Reese Report  – I love the content but sitting through the videos is a bit tough for me. I’m antsy and can’t sit to view something longer than 10 minutes. But if I don’t watch the videos, I may miss something important. Besides, who wants to sit on their butts all day when you could watch it while working out?

So, I went and purchased one of those book/laptop trays that you attach to the treadmill. It worked OK for a while but golly is it ever so hard to find a good one that’s made of steel. The one I got is plastic and every time I put my laptop on it, I’d start to worry. I’m even afraid of running on the treadmill… time to think of something else.

I looked at my MP3 player and thought… why can’t I take my video like I take you everywhere my friend?

*Light bulb moment* – Ok, it’s more of a Duh! Moment. See, I bought an Archos portable media player last year so why not stuff John Reese into that and take him with me? Great idea, except for one small problem. Reese Report videos are in flash – like most Internet Marketing material is. The Archos and almost all other players including the iPod, can’t do flash naturally. So I needed to convert it.

You’d think conversion is easy right? But no! I bought a converter that worked for a few flash files then quit, I tested so many, I can hear my computer complain. <<–Major Frustration!

I did find a tool that would do it though and finally get Reese Report to-go! But it is SUCH a pain.

The point of this long story? It’s probably smart for us marketers to start creating videos in alternative format(s) in addition to flash. Especially if we want it to be ‘viral’ and passed on.

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