How Macros Puts Your Productivity Into Overdrive

If you have never heard of macros or don’t exactly know what they are, macros are a set of commands that make a computer perform tasks automatically when they are initiated. For example, when you automatically format a document in your word processor, that is a type of macro that is built into the software. But not all macros are program specific. You can actually get software that will help you create a range of different macros to run all type of things in any program on your computer.

In the past, I have blogged about how I’ve used DirectAccess here and here. Truth is, I have hardly scratched the surface. Here are some other ways this software helps me.robot

  • Automatically type common HTML code
  • Automatically enter common CSS code
  • Automatically enter common WordPress tags and other code
  • Write thank you subject and messages in PayPal Mass Pay when I send affiliates payment every month with a few key strokes
  • Launch programs by typing in part of the name
  • Automatically type URLs to affiliate programs I am part of into blog posts, emails, messages etc
  • Type URLs and names of my own websites and even email address in blog posts, emails, messages, reports, documents, browsers – just about anywhere.
  • Suspend the computer with a few key strokes.
  • Automatically enter special characters like ® anywhere. As a matter of fact, I just did that writing this.
  • Automatically enter today’s date anywhere by typing the word ‘now’
  • Perform searches with a hot key

And so, so, so much more that I feel crippled without it. If you would like to view a quick demo, check out this video.


I do not use it for customer support though because I have someone else handling that for me but I know many people do things like making the macro type in canned responses.

Lately, I’ve been experimenting with another software that can do even more than DirectAccess or so it seems. I am still learning it because unlike DirectAccess, this has a steeper learning curve. I chose DirectAccess years ago because it was a whole lot easier to use with minimal learning curve but I’m ready to further super charge my productivity.

Yeah it is kinda hard to believe there can be other Internet Marketing tasks that can be automated. Rest assured I will update you when I get more familiar with the software and put it through its paces (so you don’t have to).

If you can’t wait, let me suggest a free software called AutoHotKey – yes it is Windows because that’s what I use. And begin to use it at the bare minimum to enter code for you, enter urls, names, addresses, email addresses, signature lines, bios etc. You will definitely be working a tad quicker and, your fingers will thank you too. Less typing, means less chances of repetitive injury.

Image courtesy of Sasan Saidi

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