Why Aweber Blog Broadcast is Superior over FeedBurner

When you want to let people subscribe to your RSS feed via email, there are a few options available to you, including the free FeedBurner Email Subscriptions. But if you are already using Aweber, then you should stick with using Aweber’s Blog Broadcast features. Here’s why: It’s A Feed Broadcast And A Regular List This…

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USPS Helps You Recycle

Did you know that you can pick up free pre-paid envelopes to send your empty ink cartridges, cell phones, PDA’s, digital cameras and other small equipment at your local post office? Yup. USPS has been working with companies like Dell, HP, Sprint and Sylvannia so soon you can recycle those CFC bulbs too. Check at…

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Reading Protected Feeds With Google Reader

Maybe some day the Google Reader team will add the ability to read password protected feeds. This is something I’ve been waiting for a long time and still waiting. As a site owner, there are ways to get around this. We can talk about this in another post. But if you’re just a visitor or…

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