How To Send Google Reader Items To WordPress

People ask all the time, “How to you come up with something interesting and fresh to write on your blog?” my answer often contains a long list of methods, one of which is to open up Google Reader and see what others are writing about and if something there inspires me. It very often does…

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What I Really Think Of Google Chrome

So… since this blog is all about marketing and technology you might have noticed that there has been no mention about Chrome for the first 2 weeks. What happened? Shouldn’t we be on the cutting edge? Well… maybe. People have accused me in the past of not being ‘up to date’ enough with technology. Let…

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Templates Come To Google Docs

For the longest time, you could get these nice looking templates packaged with Microsoft Office. You can even download them from their large database of templates. Almost anything you can imagine, you will find a template for. Now, Google Docs has templates too. I took a peek there last week and really like what I…

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Why and How GoogleDocs Works For Me

  GoogleDocs has been around for a while. I’m sure you’ve read about it. I’ve mentioned it several times on this blog itself. But what’s so spectacular about an office suite other than it being online? This short, easy reading report will show you just how you can use improve your team’s efficiency using GoogleDocs.…

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